Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Don't Know How Video Codecs Work



Klepsacovic said...

*sniff* Rest in peace, RFC...

HP said...

ROFL, I like your song choices

Rich said...

I remembered that I wanted to do this as I had about 6 minutes left before the final shutdown. The server shutdown and timer line up so perfectly it's kinda spooky.

Love the text in chat as I'm leaving the party too. You go Cho'gall. <3

Lassirra said...

I'll miss you, ghetto hearth! /sob

Kyir said...

I'll give you 60$ for the 360 if you didn't end up selling it.

Rich said...

the 360 was gutted and is serving another purpose. <3

Chris F said...

A classic in the making.

Thank god for shaman, astral recall, and recall glyph. =)

Krunchy said...

They took out ghetto hearthing? What flimsy reason did they give for that?

Oh, and what service is your 360 serving, pray tell.

Kyir said...

They just didn't like it, but they bumped the regular hearth to 30 minutes.

Rich said...

they felt the mechanic was a loophole, and was being 'exploited', which it basically was. It forced a particular cooldown to become irrelevant. I don't understand why there's a cooldown there at all, though, honestly.

the 'new and improved xbox' shall remain a mystery, for now.

Krunchy said...

Well, I guess if there was no hearth cooldown it would kind of "shrink" the world. Not to mention it would cause much whinging from non-paladins from the increase of bubble-hearthing.

I am curious as to what the 360 is doing. For now, I wait...

Ithiel said...

lol nice video, but now all I can think of is the Ctrl+Alt+Delete comic and what he did to his XBox.

It is.. ALIVE!!! /rarw.
