Since the Magical Flying Donkey scales with highest attained riding speed -- that is, it's epic if you can ride epic mounts, regular if you can't, and it will fly assuming you can-- why not just get over it and offer at least partial functionality along those lines for each mount in game?
Let's take it back to the old school!
Call me crazy, but I love the simple, vanilla Ogrimmar Orgimmar Orgrimmar (Right Click, Add to Dictionary) wolves. I even ground up the rep required to buy one on my undead by whoring myself to repeatable AV quests:
The glowing eyed dumb ones with oversized canines and spiked collars? Not so much.
Looking at that big honkin' collar I flash back to Superbowl XXXVIII's halftime show when Justin Timberlake ripped off Janet Jackson's "bodice" and found a PvP mount staring back at him.Hrmm.
But the Magic Donkey has a unique ability to scale with your mount speed, so if you love it, you can conceivably use it all the way from 20 to 80. Why can't my vanilla wolf scale at least to epic ground speeds? I don't expect the wolf to fly (YOU'RE A UNI-PEGA-COW?! points if you got the reference without hovering over/viewing this link), but epic ground speed would be nice, and it's just a model... hardly game breaking. Yes, I could haxxor my client and model swap, but that's against the ToS, and everyone else would still see me riding around on Janet Jackson's right nipple, circa 2004. Besides, if I did model swap, it would easily be for the Cow model in Hillsbrad/Elwynn Forest... although it seems like that model isn't intended to be ridden, and doesn't line up properly with the character while mounted...
Anyone else feel attached to the O.G. rides? Am I just being silly? The warlock's dreadsteed makes a solid upgrade from normal to epic, but not everything makes such a smooth transition. I use Livestock to cast random mounts when I mount up, so I get my Zehvra sometimes, and sometimes it's my Black War Bear... but I specifically needed to check 'don't ever break out the old school flavor, because I feel like getting there sometime today' box, which is a little bit of a let down. They're there, their flavor is just sadly diminished.
(bonus points for ending the post with a sentence that 98% of Trade chat on any given server couldn't pull off, woohoo!)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Random Mount Thoughts
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I thought the AV wolf looks just like the black one but in white??
You know what's funny, the mount you get from ToGC 10 Insanity looks almost exactly the same as the black one... lol
They should totally make a cow mount! It would crack me up more than seeing a Tauren on a chicken mount -=X
yeah, but all the epic ground speed wolves have armor / glowy eyes.
I like the simple Mononoke Hime look.
I was waiting for the boat on my Gnome while a Night Elf on his Epic Tiger Mount did what all Night Elves do while waiting for something (bounced around all over the place), so I pulled out my own Epic Tiger Mount (the Darnassus one, not the PvP Mount) and still proceeded to just sit there.
The NElf bounced around some more, even landing on top of me before bouncing off again, and then he stopped bouncing. And came over to me. And slowly, carefully, lined his Mount up beside mine. And you could practically see the WTF! as he realized my Gnome's Epic Tiger was bigger than his Epic Tiger :D
Although my Dwarfadin has the Epic Charger Mount, at the moment I like breaking out the Stormwind Epics. He has the Rams, in fact he has all of the Ally Mounts (& the Ambassador title), I just think it's more fitting for a Paladin (even if he is a Dwarf) to ride a Horse.
ugh, don't remind me of the rams... my warrior on my original (banned /cry) account had the brewfest ram and that thing was HAWT
Pet and mount appearance tabs? We've asked for them for gear often enough.
Warlock's dreadsteed actually is the same as the wolf. All the epicness actually makes it kinda cheesy. Also, they cut it's tail off. Not subtlety at all.
Hey iso, i love so much the naked regular wolf, your not the only one, i felt the same way :( its so cute seeing a big orc riding the slowy wolf D:
Agreed, the nicest mount the game atm is the striped dawnsaber in my books. Epic mounts were epic when one guy owned them and rolled up in OG or wherever to show it off. Everything is screaming out to be pimp, but it just takes it away, I think the very best looking stuff in the game was in BWL, just look at stuff like the draconic avenger
I always wanted the solid white epic steed. But by the time I got to level all they had was the palamino. I'm still sad.
If I remember correct, Blizzard has stated that mounts are gonna scale, ground mounts won't become flying, but your lvl 20 mount will be able to move with epic mount speed.
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