Monday, May 11, 2009

Now With More Ads!

That's a joke, don't freak out. I'm trying to get a blog roll of sorts going, but I like to make everything I do be a huge pain in the ass, so rather than just slop a list of sites I like over on the side, I'm taking a personal touch to them and creating a "banner" for each site I would otherwise just have on the list.

Hatch and Larsa were my guinea pigs, so if you were visiting the site yesterday and only saw their banners then there's more. I've officially crapped out around midnight, Photoshopwise. I have a groove now for making them, and have an honest to god javascript that generates a random seed based on the time of day multiplied by some huge number, then divided by some other huge number, and pulls one of the ones I've created for display. Hooray. I'm going to bed. If you don't see yours, then you probably suck with rolls in WoW, too, and I can't help you. I'll probably be making some more, but for tonight I'm finished.

Here is a link to the javascript generator that I found online. It's limited to ten entries, but once you see the code it churns out, it's pretty easy to expand it to how ever many you want.

In a previous edit of this article, I had asked for scripting help, but since I've now edited this entry, I'm going to burn those comments out so they aren't totally random. Thanks malkav, and (sigh), yes... even YOU, Anonymous. Thanks for the input. <3


Larísa said...

This is seriously... awesome! I lack words for it. Such a cool banner! For me!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
It looks so beautiful and captures exactly what I want my blog to be. I don't have banners on my blog, but it makes me want one. But you can't have a banner for yourself, can you?

Anyway, apart from thanking you I just want to say that this thing somehow messed up your blog a bit. When I go to it I only see the first lines of this post and nothing more. No "continued". Nothing. It's only when I click on the post that the rest of the blog will come back to me. I have IE.

Rich said...

got IE sorted out, and quit being silly. ;) I've been meaning to get around to doing this for a while, but I just didn't want to half ass it. Not having a blog roll for this long is pretty selfish to those that have me on theirs.

Ysharros said...

Hahah, that's very cool and I'm very flattered to be included. "Not asleep"! That damn near made me spray coffee, and I might just have to steal it for my own banner.

Am jealous of people with any kind of artistic and/or programming skill. Then again, one can't be perfect, other people get jealous dontcha know.

(PS: working just fine for me in Chrome.)

Tesh said...

I guess I need to work on my Jack Handey impressions, then. :)


Hatch said...

These are awesome! Thanks!

Also, I am old. :)

Bonedead said...

I didn't think I was old, but, you said it!

HP said...

Wow, that's such a nifty banner! I don't have photoshop and I used to use GIMP but I am so irritated at that program. I actually lost my entire folder of screenshots I had been using for my blog because I was trying to mess with the settings.

I didn't even realize that you didn't have a blog roll. Is that a big deal?

Ithiel said...

OOOOooooooo.... pwiddy...

Makes a subtle gesture that resembes the action of 'look over here:'

I really suck at the whole subtle thing, don't I?

Oh, btw.. I've got a similar sort of thing going for my sidebar. I'm using 'rotatee' to select a few links from my list and it is supposed to shuffle them on every page load, but it's kinda borked (mainly because it will randomly list 10 of the same link). I'll try reworking the script you linked to and will see if it behaves any better. lol.

[still failing at subtly]

Jong said...

That's a really well-made banner. Nice job.

Eaten by a Grue said...

Ithiel, I don't have a blog, so at least you're trying, but let me give you some constructive advice. I think you are trying too hard there. Maybe cut down on the noise. Just saying, since you seem eager on publicizing it.

Ithiel said...

lol. I think the serious lack of sleep leads me to open my mouth (or start typing) before the brain actually engadged sometimes.

On the subject of sleep, it's now 5am here, so I should probably try and get a good 3 hours or so before the day starts again >.<

BFG said...

Just been through and read a good few of those. Content is good, though I do have diffculty understanding why people insist on 'interesting' colour schemes.

Without pointing out any particular ones (though the first three I clicked on were like this!), grey writing on a black background may look dark and mysterious, but add in the 8pt size and you have people like me only readin it because I can be bother to cut and paste into notepad. Seriously - what's actually wrong with black on white - surely content > style any day - at least according to many points made in some of these articles!

Bonedead said...

WTB a full list so I can stop refreshing to get to them all!

Tesh said...

BFG, I'm no fan of grey on black, but if you're working in UNIX shells all day long, it's not all that uncommon to see that as perfectly normal. *shrug*

BFG said...

Agreed - and I do. But not in 8pt 'magnifying glass' size - that's what I have the trouble with! Pump up the font size people :)